Two Hearts, Two souls, On One path!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


For Christmas we spent the weekend in Richfield UT with the Curtis clan! We had so much fun! Sense we went out of town for the Holiday we opened our Christmas early! I got a new camera the Canon Rebel! With Kam deciding to join the Navy we need a new camera so he can see his little Bentley grow while he is gone! So mommy got a very nice camera! I think Kam uses it more than I do! We are in our 30th week of pregnancy and ready for our Bentley to be here already! Mommy is getting uncomfortable and Daddy is done with her complaints! He has been a HUGE help to me the last few months and I am very thankful for him! I love you baby! More about Bentley... He is finding a new home in mommies ribs and loves the full bladder for a punching bag luckily he isnt big enough to make it empty when he hits it!!! At our last appointment we were measuring small so we get to see him again, and we have gone from 1 a month appointments to every two weeks! that means he is so close!! We will be posting more pics in a week! We get our 3d and 4d ultrasound!!! SO EXCITED!